This project has received funding from the European Union’s Seventh Framework Programme for research, technological development and demonstration under grant agreement no 632694

A programme of meetings is planned in the project to establish factual exchanges with the target groups and to get them involved in the validation of the CIVIC EPISTEMOLOGIES Roadmap.
The project planned to held three thematic workshops:
- The Workshop on User needs is organised in November in Valletta (hosted by the University of Malta) to discuss requirements of the various stakeholders relevant to citizen science in cultural heritage institutions and suggest scenarios and use cases which illustrated the methods of engagement with citizens, and the user interaction within the technological solutions used for the various research lifecycle stages. The event was attended by representatives of almost all project partners and local representatives from the Cultural Policy Committee.
- The Workshop on the Roadmap is organised in Leuven (hosted by the University of Leuven), among selected representatives of the stakeholders in order to present the Roadmap and in order to obtain feedback from the partners and from external experts, before finalizing the Roadmap. Invited are partners and relevant stakeholder e.g. the wider cultural heritage community, researchers, Citizens associations, creative enterprises and e-Infrastructure communities beyond the consortium.
- The Workshop on Innovation in Cultural Heritage institutions is organised in Budapest (hosted by the Hungarian National Library) and dedicated to the cultural heritage institutions, devoted to discuss the conditions for cooperation between institutions and citizen scientists.