This project has received funding from the European Union’s Seventh Framework Programme for research, technological development and demonstration under grant agreement no 632694

University of Malta
The University of Malta (L-Università ta’ Malta) is the only highest educational institution in Malta which offers education and conducts research in librarianships, archival and information science. The Library, Information and Archival Sciences (LIAS) department from the Media and Knowledge Sciences faculty is the local partner. The Faculty also hosts an Audio-Visual library which had a unique collection of materials used for research and teaching purposes; conversion of materials on obsolete media into digital form started is one of the ongoing activities.
The Faculty is collaborating on the national level with the National Archives of Malta and with the National Library. Ties are also sustained with the Hill Monastic Manuscript Library of St John’s University, Minnesota, USA and with the School of Library, Archive and Information Studies, University College, London. LIAS Department is also a member of EUCLID, the European Association for Library and Information Education and Research. Department staff has also experience from participating in projects studying user needs and experiences within digital library context (Europeana focus group study, DiSCmap, PICDEX) and recent digital preservation projects (KEEP, SHAMAN, DELOS preservation cluster funded by the EC and POCOS funded by JISC).
Leader of WP2 about the identification of requirements. UoM will also participate the task T3.4 Strategic Research Agenda, to task T4.2 Case studies and to task T5.4 Community building and stakeholders consultation.
- Milena Dobreva ( is the Head of the Library, Information and Archive Sciences Department at the University of Malta. She was the principal investigator of EC, JISC and UNESCO funded projects in the areas of user experiences, digitisation and digital preservation and is a regular project evaluator for the EC. In 1990-2007 she worked at the Bulgarian Academy of Sciences where she earned her PhD degree in Informatics in 1999 and served as the founding head of the first Digitisation Centre in Bulgaria in 2004. She was also a chair of the Bulgarian national committee of the Memory of the World programme of UNESCO. In 2007-2011 she worked for the University of Glasgow and the University of Strathclyde. Milena was awarded an honorary medal for contribution to the development of the relationships between Bulgaria and UNESCO (2006) and an Academic Award for young researchers (Bulgarian Academy of Sciences, 1998).In 2013 she served as a chair of the prime digital library event in Europe, TPDL2013.
- Mark Kosciejew is a lecturer in the Information and Archive Sciences Department with a PhD in Library and Information Sciences and MLIS from the University of Western Ontario, Canada. He is also a member of ARMA International’s Records and Information Management (RIM) Review Group and Standards Development Program, serving as a peer-reviewer for various proposed standards and initiatives created or proposed under the auspices of ARMA International. His current research interests include the intersections of society and technology, records and information management, concepts and practices of information, and the histories of libraries and information. In 2007 he conducted research in North Korea (Democratic People’s Republic of Korea) on the secretive Communist state’s library system, becoming one of the first English-speakers to present and publish on this specific topic. Marc has published and presented on various topics in the disciplines of LIS, political science, history, and African studies, including on: documentation theories and case studies, from the 2008 Beijing Olympics to the migrations of print to digital cultures and mediums; identity representations and politics, including the documentary construction of racial and ethnic identities in South Africa; the library’s central place in society, including President Barack Obama’s visit to Canada’s Library of Parliament; and the intersections of society and technology, such as Big Data’s implications for individuals, institutions, and information.
- William Zammit is a senior lecturer in the Information and Archive Sciences Department. He is currently the Chairman of the Archive Council at the Ministry of Education of Malta.