This project has received funding from the European Union’s Seventh Framework Programme for research, technological development and demonstration under grant agreement no 632694

Ministero dello Sviluppo Economico
The Department of Communications, part of the Ministry of Economic Development, is responsible for a wide variety of policies for the development of telecommunications infrastructures and of information and communication technology (ICT) smart services and applications that constitute key factors for economic development.
Major actions undertaken by the Department of Communications include:
- contributing, fostering and supporting research and innovation activities encompassing different sectors of the information and communication technologies, also through projects in partnership with Universities and Research Institutions;
- contributing in study groups within international organizations for the development of international standards enabling the interoperability of ICTs and the global communications of networks and devices;
- carrying out statistical studies and analyses regarding the impact of ICTs on the economic and social growth at national level;
- being responsible for policy and regulatory actions for ICT.
In this context, the Department of Communications is involved in the development of the National Broadband Plan to bridge the digital divide, in the planning of Italian strategy for the implementation of the Digital Agenda for Europe, and, at a broader level, in the development of all the e-Infrastructures driving the economic development.
Project Coordinator. It will also participate to task T2.1 Study on key characteristics and requirements, to WP3 Roadmap Development, and to task T5.4 Community building and stakeholders consultation.
- Mauro Fazio (Project Coordinator – received the M.Sc degree in Economics at the University of Rome in 1984 and the Banking specialization in the same year. Since 1985 he has been with the Ministry of Communications where from 1996 he has been director of the Statistics Office. From June 2009 he has been director of the Head of Department Office at the Ministry of Economic Development – Department of Communications. Mr. Fazio has been involved in international telecommunications activities for more than twenty years, with increasing responsibilities gained over the time. He has represented the Italian Administration at ICCP working group meetings (WPIE,WPIIS,WPCISP) from 1999 as also at ITU and UPU Council sessions. He also represented Italy at the ITU Plenipotentiary Conference in 2010 in Guadalajara. He is author of several articles in telecommunication and economic specialized reviews and publications He is currently responsible for the preparation of the budget and the strategic, operational and financial plan of the Department of Communications.