This project has received funding from the European Union’s Seventh Framework Programme for research, technological development and demonstration under grant agreement no 632694

The National Archives (Riksarkivet) is one of the oldest public agencies in Sweden with a history leading back to the Middle Ages. Today, the National Archives has the supervision of public records of all state agencies. The National Archives’ commission by law is to preserve, organise and care for these records in order to uphold the legal right of access to public records in the pursuit of justice, continuity of public administration, and facilitating of research. Since 1970 an increasing number of records in electronic form have been transferred to the National Archives. Parts of the National Archives are also the Research Centre SVAR (Svensk Arkivinformation), that provides scanned and digitalised records for customers over the Internet, Media Converting Centre (MKC), specialised on large scale production of digital images from different media, and the newly established Secretariat (Digisam) for coordination of digitisation, digital preservation and digital access at state founded cultural heritage institutions (archives, libraries, museums). The National Archives has been – and still is – a partner in several EU funded projects concerning digitisation, Internet access, and digital preservation like EUAN, Minerva, MinervaPlus, MinervaEC, LEAF, QVIZ, APEnet/APEX, PROTAGE (coordinator), DC-NET, LINKED HERITAGE, DCH-RP, AthenaPlus and PREFORMA (coordinator). The National Archives is also one of the institutions in Sweden that has special funds from the Government for research programmes in its sphere of activities.
RA is Leader of WP3 Development of Roadmap. It will also participate to task T2.1 Study on key characteristics and requirements.
- Börje Justrell ( is Director and Head of Operational Support at the National Archives of Sweden. He has since 1989 been responsible for technical matters at the National Archives. Justrellhas been teaching archival science at the University of Stockholm for many years and has been amember of international committees within the archivists’ professional association, ICA. He hasbeen representing Sweden in expert groups on digitisation and digital preservation within theEuropean Commission and also worked in a number of EU projects like Minerva and MinervaPlusand their spin offs. He was the coordinator of the EU project PROTAGE on digital preservation and is now the coordinator of PREFORMA, both in the 7th framework programme. Between 2003 – 2009 Justrell was responsible for an advanced international training programme for developing countries conducted by the Swedish National Archives and sponsored by SIDA, the Swedish International Development Cooperation.
- Anders Nordström ( is Head of the National Archives Research Centre SVAR (Svensk Arkivinformation) which has the task to provide scanned and digitalised records over the Internet to scientific researchers but also to people searching their family roots or claiming their rights. Nordström is an engineer in electronic and has worked for 20 years as consultant in ITC in both private and public sector. The last 10 years he has been head of SVAR.
- Sanja Halling ( is a Senior Advisor at Digisam/The National Archives of Sweden, responsible for the Swedish national coordination of digitisation, digital preservation and Digital access to cultural heritage. She has been working in EU projects like DC-NET, Linked Heritage and DCH-RP. Halling studied Curatorship, got a Masters degree in History of Art at University of Stockholm, and has studied at Université de Haute Bretagne, France. She worked previously at several museums, cultural organisations, and taught courses in fine arts and history of art.