This project has received funding from the European Union’s Seventh Framework Programme for research, technological development and demonstration under grant agreement no 632694

National Széchényi Library
The National Széchényi Library, Hungary has been the Hungarian national library since 1802. It’s collections consist of paper documents published in Hungary: more than 2 million books, periodicals, manuscripts, documents, images, etc. The Hungarian Library Institute is part of the National Library, there are countrywide coordination tasks among its goals. The NSL gives home to the Hungarian National Shared Catalogue as well. The library has collected online documents since 1999 when it integrated the Hungarian Electronic Library ( which makes now available more than 11,000 digital books and over 220 audio books. The NSL was one of the first partners (together with French and Portuguese libraries) participated in the former version of Europeana developed by the French National Library. But thorough the Linked Heritage projects the NSL sent more than 60,000 records from the mentioned digital collections to the Europeana which is available since this summer. The national library joined The European Library project, the library catalogue and digital records have been added to the TEL Database. Also, recently NSL shifted towards functioning as a service provider for the wide range of citizens; its copy on demand system is planned to be launched in 2014. This system also provides our partners with an e-Infrastructure which supports the workflow of digitization of their collections. NSL in its new role as a sort of e-Hub is going to exploit its experiences achieved during the collaboration with its partners in the creative industry. This collaboration mainly pertains to the field of copyright clarifying and classification.
NSL will lead task T3.4 Innovation policies for cultural heritage institutions. It will participate to task T2.1 Study on key characteristics and requirements and to task T4.2 Case studies. In task T4.2 it will explore best practices for exploiting methods such as crowdsourcing in processing digital contents in memory institutions. It will also participate to task T5.4 Community building and stakeholders consultation taking into account the memory institutions group.
- István Moldován ( University degree: Budapest, Karl Marx Economic University. 1979-1983; Eötvös Loránd University, 1991-1993 (library-informatics). Jobs : 1999 – present : National Széchényi Library – librarian – as leader of Department of the e-library Service, 1986-1999 : Central Library of the Budapest University of Economics – as librarian. 1983-1986: Industrial Research Institute – as economist. Works : Coordinate and manage the work with digital collections, e.g. Hungarian Electronic Library, Electronic Periodical Archive and other online content services; collecting and archiving digitized documents in the library.
- Szabolcs Dancs ( is director of projects and active director of Collection Development at NSL. For two years he worked as the head of Collection Development for the Library of Hungarian Academy of Sciences. He led a project aiming to organize the processing of materials at the collection of NSL not yet catalogued electronically. He published studies about different topics such as building wikipedia articles in the academic field, creating a national authority file (national namespace), long-term preservation, legal deposit issues, improving data flow in the book value chain, copyright issues in digitization, etc. He’s an expert in metadata and promoter of introducing MARC21 and ONIX in Hungary. As the director of collection development he’s been responsible for the acquisition, legal deposit, the OPAC of NSL and the work of the Hungarian ISBN Offices for three years. He is the manager of the project aiming to create “Database and Repository of the National Electronic Document Delivery System”.