This project has received funding from the European Union’s Seventh Framework Programme for research, technological development and demonstration under grant agreement no 632694

Waterford Institute of Technology
The Telecommunications Software & Systems Group (TSSG –, is an ICT research centre based at Waterford Institute of Technology (WIT– Founded in 1996, TSSG is currently comprised of more than 110 research scientists, engineers, support staff and postgraduate students. TSSG’s engineering, computing and communications expertise ranges from network management, pervasive technologies, context and social network analysis, data mining, social computing, cloud computing, data management, security and privacy, software verification and validation, user experience design and evaluation, to web and mobile application development. TSSG is dynamically developing and participating in national and international networks, having worked with more than 450 partners from industry, academic and research institutes, across 35 countries worldwide.
TSSG, WIT is driving the development of a significant research and development environment in the South East of Ireland. Through nurturing of our core research environment, strong connectivity with indigenous industry – as well as large multinationals, facilitating support for high potential start-ups with entrepreneurs, and creating partnerships with other institutes, TSSG intend to create real job opportunities in strategically important industries such as ICT, energy, pharmaceutical and healthcare and advanced manufacturing. TSSG has already fostered the generation of a critical mass of ICT industries and aims to become a renowned hub for telecommunications excellence both in Ireland and abroad. In the last five years alone, TSSG has secured funding in excess of €10 million under the Seventh EU Framework Programme (FP7), making it one of the most successful ICT research centres in Ireland.
WIT will be responsible for managing the task T4.1 Pilot in WP4. They will work closely with the rest of the project consortium in defining an initial set of requirements for this case/pilot study. The current idea will be to enter into discussions with a second level institute to provide a transition year class (14-16 year olds) in rural Ireland with all of the tools necessary for this study. The class will then interview their older relatives and neightbours, with a view to capturing our disappearing heritage. The resulting data will then be geo-tagged using a tool such as Google Maps. It will also participate to task T2.1 Study on key characteristics and requirements.
- Edel Jennings ( is a User Experience designer and researcher, at TSSG, Waterford Institute of Technology. She has a degree (1stClass Hons) in Communication Studies from Dublin City University and a MSc in Multimedia, from Trinity College Dublin. She has worked in TSSG, WIT since 2006., during which time she set up and led the Design and Usability Team, providing design and User Experience (UX) strategy services across a broad range of projects. She is currently focusing on research work with the Experimental Facilities Management Group. Edel had led design, user research and evaluation tasks for several national and international projects. Recently she worked on EU FP7 SOCIETIES project, using a range of User Centred Design (UCD) and Participatory Approaches, to define requirements, devise scenarios and evaluate the usability of the projects’ novel social and pervasive technologies and services. She is interested in research around collective wisdom, crowd sourcing, CSCW, co-design, serious games, and the social innovations and implications emergent with the widespread adoption of social and pervasive Information and Communications Technologies (ICT).