This project has received funding from the European Union’s Seventh Framework Programme for research, technological development and demonstration under grant agreement no 632694

Stichting European Grid Initiative
The Stichting European Grid Initiative (also referred to as “”) is a not-for-profit foundation established under Dutch law to coordinate and manage the European Grid Infrastructure (EGI) federation on behalf of its members: National Grid Initiatives (NGIs) and European International Research Organisations (EIROs). offers a variety of services to the wider EGI community such overseeing infrastructure operations, coordinating user community support, working with technology providers, representing EGI in collaborative projects, steering strategy and policy development, organising flagship events and publicising the community’s news and achievements. and its members provide EGI, a pan-European infrastructure of publicly funded computing, storage and data resources to support excellent research and innovation in Europe. Building on over a decade of investment by national governments and the European Commission, EGI supports more than 22,000 researchers across many scientific fields with a wide range of technical services such as high-throughput data analysis, federated cloud, federated operations and community building.
Within the project, will lead activities around “e-Infrastructures sustainability models” to develop a business model for an e-Infrastructure to support Civic Epistemologies and citizen scientists, primarily based on the information collected the “Requirements Identification” project activity. will look at several alternative revenue streams that alone or in a mix and match model may cover the costs of such an e-Infrastructure. Due to the nature of the subject at hand, the business model development activities will also examine IPR issues and how they may contribute to, or hamper with cost recovery strategies. Curation of data for payment as well as business relations with creative industry will be taken into account in the proposed model.
- Tiziana Ferrari ( is the Chief Operations Officer of leading operational activities – security, middleware and tool deployment, interoperability, support, operational procedures and infrastructure oversight, and Project Director of EGI-InSPIRE. She has been involved in Grid operations since 2007.
- Michel Drescher ( is the Technical Manager at, leading the technology assessment activities around software quality assurance and assessment. During his career of more than 10 years of experience were dedicated to Grids and HPC.
- Sy Holsinger ( is currently a Senior Policy and Strategy Officer at working on sustainability planning, business model development, market analysis and IT service management implementation. Sy studied Business Communications and Management in the U.S. focusing on project and financial management, business development, marketing and communication messaging. He has been involved in several EU-funded projects covering both management and support roles such as leading the commercial activities in the series of EGEE projects. His previous experiences include the U.S. Air Force and Teaching.