This project has received funding from the European Union’s Seventh Framework Programme for research, technological development and demonstration under grant agreement no 632694

Poznan Supercomputing and Networking Center
Poznan Supercomputing and Networking Center (PSNC) is affiliated to Institute of Bioorganic Chemistry Polish Academy of Sciences and was established in 1993 by the State Committee for Scientific Research. From the very beginning PSNC served as an HPC service provider, the operator of Poznań Metropolitan Area Network (POZMAN), national academic network provider (PIONIER) and a network services provider. PSNC is a leading HPC centre in Poland with its 500+ Tflops of computing power, storage and data management infrastructure. PSNC is also a Systems and Network Security Center as well as a R&D Center for New Generation Networks, computing infrastructures and Portals. PSNC is the Microsoft Innovation Centre, CUDA Research Centre with NVidia. It is also the official Cisco Networking Regional Academy. It participates in numerous projects requiring both strong technical expertise and innovative approach.
PSNC research groups work on middleware, tools and methods for Grid and HPC/cloud computing, large scale Grid applications, security mechanisms and policies, securing critical infrastructures, storage and resources management, Data Centre issues, mobile systems and applications, Internet of Things systems. PSNC has participated in numerous R&D projects, including EU-funded projects (5, 6, 7 FP, H2020): RinGrid, GridLab, Porta Optica, Phosphorus, DORII (all 5 as the coordinator), CrossGrid, SEQUIN, 6NET, ATRIUM, EGEE (I-III), GN (2-3), PRACE, HIPERMED, P-MEDICINE, HPC Europa and others.
PSNC has been coordinating two R&D projects on data management (KMD 2008-2010, and KMD2 – 2011-2013) – National Data Storage. coordination of national project PLATON – Service Platform for e-Science offering a large scale archival storage service on top of the infrastructure spanning 10 sites and offering more than 15 PBs of storage capacity. The organisation participates in EU 7 FP project EUDAT (2011-2014), which is aiming to build a pan- European data infrastructure. PSNC is a member of e-IRG (e-Infrastructure Reflection Group) Data Management Task Force (DMTF) and TERENA TF-Storage group. PSNC is also active in digital libraries and content management and delivery area. It is involved in regional and national projects (e.g. Wielkopolska Biblioteka Cyfrowa – Digital Library of Wielkopolska) dealing with data preservation and enabling open, efficient and reliable access to documents, books and manuscripts.
PSNC is the technology partner of the project. It is experienced in developing, deploying and operating scalable, reliable and robust services for data storage, management and processing in the Internet, using large, high-performance and high-capacity structures such as clusters, clouds and grids. PSNC will especially contribute its knowledge related to distributed data storage, management and access. PSNC will provide also its knowledge on developing, deploying and operating services in various areas like cultural heritage and services for potential ICT communities. This experience will be used in leading task T3.2 Tools, services and standards. PSNC will also contribute its technical expertise related to data storage, management and access technologies, systems and solutions and their application in e-Infrastructures. This aspect of the PSNC involvement will be especially important in task T3.4 Strategic research agenda and task T3.5 e-Infrastructure sustainable model.
- Norbert Meyer ( Head of the Supercomputing Department. He is the member of the e-IRG, chair of its Data Management Task Force (DMTF), co-author of several white papers and member of STRATOS group. He coordinated EU projects: DORII and RINGRID, has been participating in project proposals of FP5, 6 and 7: CrossGrid, EGEE, EGEE2, CoreGRID, BalticGRID, Expres, RinGRID, Phosphorus,, DORII, Expres, NEXPRES, PRACE, PRACE-1IP, PRACE-2IP, EUDAT, IGE (total 30+ international proposals, 2000-2011).
- Maciej Brzeźniak ( leads the data and storage management group in Supercomputing Department of PSNC. Recently he co-leaded the development and deployment of Popular Archive Services of the PLATON project and the development of reliable and secure distributed storage system: National Data Storage. He also actively participates in R&D and operational activities of EUDAT project. He also chairs the TF-Storage group of TERENA and participates in DMTF of e-Irg. He is also doing a research on scalable cloud storage systems.