This project has received funding from the European Union’s Seventh Framework Programme for research, technological development and demonstration under grant agreement no 632694

Katholieke Universiteit Leuven
The Media Lab of the Institute for Cultural Studies at KU Leuven’s Faculty of Arts specialises in e-learning for the Humanities and digital cultural heritage. The centre has been active on these domains since 1997, and has participated in or promoted a large number of projects, often with European funding, both in E-Learning (Toledo, one of the largest deployed University VLE’s in Europe, with > 85.000 enrolled users, OER-HE, NetCU, OCW-EU) as well as in digitization (RICH : 3D rendering of illuminated manuscripts, Orpheus, Euridice, eRmione, EuropeanaPhotography, EuropeanaSpace). Expertise in digitization techniques, metadata, databases for Humanities Research. The Faculty of Arts Photolab also hosts the dArts digital photo repository, which currently has 230.000+ digitized images on Archaeology and the Fine Arts with high-quality metadata, including the Sagalassos collection.
LIBIS (KU Leuven) is a division of Leuven Research and Development (LRD) and part of the University Library. For over 30 years LIBIS has been involved in the creation, development and support of IT solutions for the management and accessibility of the library-, archival-, and museum collections of the University and its partners. LIBIS has been actively involved in the research and development of innovative environments where researchers can manage their scientific datasets and query them appropriately, collaborate with audiences, and share the results in different environments. As a centre of expertise, LIBIS has a strong experience in metadata modelling, data interoperability, archiving and preservation, web-publishing of cultural heritage content and user involvement. LIBIS has been involved in a number of research projects on national and European level such as EDLnet, Europeana1.0. and Europeana Libraries. LIBIS is currently involved in the Europeana Inside project with the specific role to develop tools for automating contributions of rich cultural heritage data to the European Digital Library ‘Europeana’.
KU Leuven is Leader of Tasks T3.4 Strategic Research Agenda and T5.5 Learning resources. It will also participate to T2.1 Study on key characteristics and requirements.
- Frederik Truyen ( is professor at the Faculty of Arts, KU Leuven. He publishes on E-Learning, ICT Education, Digital Culture and Epistemology. Head of ICT Services at the Faculty of Arts. In charge of CS Digital, the mediaLab of the Institute for Cultural Studies. He teaches Information Science at the BA and Online Publishing at the MA level. Active on ICT at several levels of the University, mostly related to Web technology and E-Learning. Fred Truyen is involved in many projects on Open Educational Resources, such as OER-HE, Net-CU,OCW EU and HOME, and on projects in digitization of Cultural Heritage, such as IDEM, RICH, EuropeanaPhotography and EuropeanaSpace. Fred Truyen is programme director of the MA in Cultural Studies.
- Bruno Vandermeulen ( has been the Coordinator of Digital Photography, ICT service and the Art Patrimony of KU Leuven since 2002. He has been involved in several large scale photographical inventory projects (e.g., participated in numerous international archaeological excavations, and had been in charge of digital asset management within the framework of both educational and scientific projects. Bruno Vandermeulen is the technical coordinator of the Alamire Digital Lab and the Photolab Faculty of Arts.
- Sofie Taes ( is an alumna of KU Leuven, where she graduated in musicology (2004) and Medieval and Renaissance Studies (2005). She has been working as a research assistant at the Musicology Research Unit of KU Leuven (Alamire Foundation) and as a dramaturge at the Antwerp concert hall AMUZ, before joining the Institute for Cultural Studies at KU Leuven as a research assistant (March 2013), a.o. collaborating on EuropeanaPhotography. She remains active as a musicologist too, working as a dramaturge and communication officer for Jos van Immerseel and his period orchestra Anima Eterna Brugge, and as a freelance writer on a variety of topics related to music.
- Roxanne Wyns ( studied History of Art and Archaeology at the Free University of Brussels (VUB) with a focus on post-medieval archaeology, museology and collection database management. In her position at the Royal Museums of Art and History (RMAH) she was responsible for the standardization of the collection management database and interoperability projects with the objective to share the museums’ digital collections on the web. Since 2009 she worked on several European ICT-PSP projects such as ATHENA and MIMO, specialising on standards, multilingual thesauri, data interoperability and aggregation processes, and as work package leader for Linked Heritage WP4 “Terminologies and Multilingualism” and European Inside “Content coordination”. Currently she is working at LIBIS, the central IT service for libraries, museums and archives of KU Leuven, where she supports partners in cultural data management, virtual exhibitions, and long-term preservation actions for digital cultural heritage. Here she continues to work on European projects in her field of expertise. She is part of several research groups on standards, semantic web-technologies and the development of multilingual thesauri such as the Europeana Semantic Enrichment taskforce.