This project has received funding from the European Union’s Seventh Framework Programme for research, technological development and demonstration under grant agreement no 632694

Platforms for citizen science @EGI Conference 2015, Lisbon 19 May 2015
Organised in the framework of the EGI Conference 2015, this session presents platforms and use cases of citizen science to scientific communities of EGI covering the wide range of potential capabilities such as desktop computing and pattern recognition, from biodiversity to digital social sciences and humanities. The outcomes expected vary from “in reach” activities towards policy roadmapping.
This session is aimed at policy makers, platform developers and any initiative and community supporting citizen science.
CIVIC EPISTEMOLOGIES attended the session to present the first draft version of the structure for the Roadmap on Citizen Science. Sy Holsinger, from, delivered a presentation on behalf of the Consortium.
Download the presentation form Sy, here.
Venue: Lisbon, ISCTE-IUL
Avª das Forças Armadas
See the full programme of the Workshop here.
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